
Ambiance restaurant - Paris

Le Julo is a restaurant, cocktail bar, family and chic and friendly neighborhood. We serve cuisine made on site from raw, fresh and seasonal products.

The chef and I have traveled a lot so our inspiration is limitless and our cuisine is continental

The cocktails are for the most part creations for which we work with aromatic herbs, flowers, pepper, peppers, vanilla...

A large part of our 100% French wine list is organic

The restaurant is managed in an eco-responsible way, few disposable products, favored local products, cooking oils recycled into biofuels.

General information


Cocktails, Local Product, Seasonal products, Homemade

Business type

Ambiance restaurant, Restaurant Cocktail Bar


Relaxation bar area, Smoking area, Cocktails, Birthday Events, Private Hire

Payment methods

Amex, Mobile payment, Apple Pay, Restaurant Ticket , Eurocard/Mastercard, Cash, Visa, American Express, Debit Card

Opening hours

Mon - Sun

08:00 - 02:00

Contact us